About Hovawart

20/08/2009 16:17

Genetics of Hovawart Coloration

  Author: Vendula Šlechtová Author's remarks: The following text is a short summary of an original article that has been published in a journal called "Svět psů" ("World of Dogs"), August 2008, Issue 8, pp. 64-66.ISSN 1211-2976, in Czech. Recently I have found in a discussion of a Czech...


20/08/2009 16:16


  General: The Hovawart is a dog breed out of the group of ‘molossoid’ dogs that has been founded in Germany in the early 20th century. It is considered as working dog with a special quality for guarding (the name derived from the german words ‘Hof’ – means ‘yard’ and ‘Wart’ – means...
